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Canker Sores for Children That Parents Need to Open

When your child has thrush, he may become fussier and have no appetite because his mouth hurts. To overcome these complaints, the mother can give the little one several choices of canker sores for children.

Almost everyone has experienced canker sores, do not feel the children. When thrush, children tend to be happier, lazy to talk, and look like that. some children can even lose weight because they have no appetite due to canker sores.

Several things can cause or increase the appearance of thrush in children, namely:
  • Sores on the tongue, mouth, or. lips
  • Lack of maintenance of dental and oral hygiene
  • The child's immune system is still weak
  • Deficiency of certain nutrients, such as iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin D
  • Immune system disorders, such as autoimmune diseases and allergies
  • Friction of braces
  • Infections, for example, yeast infections in the mouth, herpes, and the Singapore flu
  • Side effects of certain drugs, such as chemotherapy.

In addition to some of the factors above, canker sores can also appear when children are stressed or are often exposed to cigarette smoke.

Canker Sores for Children That Parents Need to Open
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Various Choices of Canker sores for Children

Canker sores can get better on their own in some time. Although canker sores are not dangerous, complaints of pain and tenderness in canker sores can interfere with the comfort of children.

To overcome these complaints, there are several choices of thrush drugs for children that can be given, namely:

1. Pain reliever medicine

To relieve the pain and stinging caused by canker sores that your little one feels, you can give him painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, make sure you give the medicine according to the dosage and instructions for use listed on the medicine package.

The mother does not recommend giving other types of painkillers, such as aspirin, without first talking to a doctor. This is because other types of painkillers may be more at risk of causing side effects for your little one.

2. Corticosteroids

To treat canker sores in large and broad children, you can also give an oral ointment containing corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, such as triamcinolone acetonide.

This oral ointment is safe if swallowed, so it can be applied to canker sores in the mouth. However, this type of drug can only be obtained through a doctor's prescription.

3. Antifungal drugs

One of the causes of thrush in children that often occurs is a fungal infection, especially in children who have weak immune systems or poor oral hygiene.

To determine whether the thrush suffered by a child is caused by a fungus or not, an examination from a doctor is needed first.

After the doctor confirms that the child has a yeast infection in the mouth, the doctor can prescribe antifungal medication. This drug is usually given in the form of oral drops.

4. Benzocaine

Benzocaine is a type of anesthetic or local anesthetic. This drug can only be given if the pain felt by your child is very severe and does not subside with other types of painkillers. Benzocaine for canker sores is usually available in the form of a mouthwash or gel to be applied to canker sores.

This drug can only be obtained according to a doctor's prescription. Its use should not exceed 1 week or be used in children under 2 years of age.

Steps to treat thrush in children at home

In addition to drugs, thrush in children can also be treated with a few simple treatment steps at home, such as:

1. Compress with ice

Compressing on canker sores can help relieve inflammation and swelling in the injured part of the mouth so that the burning sensation that appears can be reduced slowly.

Compress is done by wrapping some ice cubes with a clean cloth. Then, stick the ice pack on the area where the canker sore appears. In addition to giving cold compresses, you can also give your little one cold water, cold fruit juice, or ice cream to relieve canker sores.

2. Gargle with saltwater

For children who are over the age of 6 years, gargling with salt water can help relieve pain caused by canker sores. Not only that, but this natural remedy is also able to accelerate the healing of canker sores experienced by your little one.

The trick, put 1 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of warm water, then stir until smooth. Tell the child to gargle with the solution for a few seconds, then discard the saltwater that was gargled earlier.

3. Maintain oral hygiene

Another way to deal with canker sores is to maintain oral hygiene, namely by routinely teething 2 times a day using a special toothpaste for children. In addition, be sure to choose a soft toothbrush for your little one. too persistent too hard because it can get thrush.

After that, you can ask your child to gargle with salt water or a mouthwash that doesn't contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and alcohol. If necessary, you can consult a dentist to choose the right mouthwash for your child.

4. Sufficient children's nutritional needs

When exposed to thrush, children will be lazy to eat and drink. Nutritional and fluid needs still need to be met.

For the time being, avoid giving your child foods that are spicy, sour, too hot, or hard and crunchy. To work around this, give him soft foods that are easy to swallow, such as porridge or rice and soup.

Give your child water or cold water regularly to prevent him from becoming dehydrated.

By giving some of the above children thrush drugs, usually, thrush will improve within a few days. However, mothers still need to be vigilant if the thrush experienced by the child is large or large, does not improve after more than 2 weeks, or causes the child to appear very weak.

If your child has thrush along with some of the above symptoms, you should immediately take your child to the doctor for proper examination and treatment.