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5 Easy Ways to Overcome Colds in Babies

Colds in babies can be caused by various things, ranging from allergies, infections, to irritation due to pollution. This condition usually goes away on its own. However, there are several ways you can do so that your little one can quickly recover from the cold he is experiencing.

Colds in babies often make parents worried, especially if the cold they experience does not go away and makes the baby fussy all day long.

Well, you need to know that a cold is not a disease, but a symptom or sign of certain conditions or diseases in the respiratory tract, such as flu, sinusitis, rhinitis, or COVID-19.

Before determining how to deal with it, Mother needs to know in advance what is the cause of the cold experienced by the Little One. In addition to the various diseases above, colds in babies can also be caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, or cold weather.

5 Easy Ways to Overcome Colds in Babies_
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In addition, dust mites and mattresses also often cause allergic rhinitis. The room or cold weather can exacerbate allergic conditions. However, colds will generally go away on their own when the baby has avoided the cause of the cold he is experiencing.

How to Overcome Colds in Babies

The discharge of mucus during a cold is the body's natural mechanism to get rid of germs in the body. However, if the mucus that comes out of the nose is too much, this condition makes it difficult for the baby to breathe.

Well, to overcome this, several ways can be done to relieve cold symptoms in babies, namely:

1. Make sure the baby gets plenty of rest

Sleep is one of the effective ways to deal with cold symptoms in babies because while sleeping the body's immunity can work more optimally in fighting germs or viruses that cause colds. Therefore, you need to make sure your little one gets plenty of rest while he is sick.

2. Make sure the baby sleeps in the right position

So that your little one sleeps more comfortably when they have a cold, you can position your little one's head higher than his body by using an extra pillow. Mothers can also apply Teflon oil and gently pat his back while putting the little one to sleep.

The refreshing aroma of melon oil can make your little one more relaxed, sleep better, and relieve his blocked breathing.

3. Pay attention to the condition of the baby's room

Place your little one in a room without air conditioning or air conditioning to reduce nasal congestion. If your little one is more comfortable in an air-conditioned room, use a humidifier or humidifier to maintain humidity and air quality in the little one's room.

4. Make sure the fluid needs are met

It is important to always meet your little one's fluid needs by regularly giving him water when he is sick. If your little one is still breastfeeding, don't forget to give breast milk regularly.

In addition to preventing your little one from becoming dehydrated, the nutritional content in breast milk is also good for boosting your little one's immunity so that his body is stronger in fighting viruses or germs that cause colds.

5. Use a snot suction tool

If the baby's cold is very bothersome, thin the mucus with salt water that is dripped into the tip of the baby's nostril. Next, use a baby snot suction device to clean the nose.

Mothers can also use a cotton swab moistened with warm water to clean nasal discharge or mucus that has hardened on the little one's nose.

In addition to the above methods, you can also bathe your little one with warm water to widen the respiratory tract so that he can breathe easier.

Don't Carelessly Give Cold Medicine to Babies

If after doing the above method, the baby's cold condition has not improved or other complaints appear, Mother can provide treatment according to the symptoms experienced by the Little One. For example, if your little one has a fever, you can give fever-reducing drugs such as paracetamol.

However, you need to pay attention that cold medicines on the market are not recommended for children under 6 years old because they can cause dangerous side effects. Also, avoid giving the baby aspirin fever reducer because of the risk of causing Reye's syndrome.

To ensure safety, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor first before giving any medicine to treat a cold in your little one.

Meanwhile, you can also consider your little one to get a vaccine that can prevent illness or relieve cold symptoms due to viral infections, such as the influenza vaccine.

Cold Conditions in Babies that Need to be Watched

In addition to taking some of the steps above, you also need to be more vigilant if your little one's cold is accompanied by the following conditions:
  • Cough that doesn't go away or is accompanied by rapid breathing and a wheezing sound when the baby breathes
  • Fever of more than 390 Celsius for children under 3 months of age or fever over 400 Celsius in children over 3 months of age and lasting more than 2 days
  • Colds don't get better after 10–14 days
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing
  • Not wanting to eat, drink or breastfeed
  • Throws up
  • Diarrhea

If your little one experiences the various symptoms above, you should immediately take him to the doctor so he can undergo an examination. This is important because it could be a sign that he has a more serious condition, such as pneumonia.

Colds in infants are generally harmless. However, you must also remain vigilant. If your child's cold is accompanied by the above symptoms, immediately take him to the doctor to get the right treatment and of course it is safe for the baby.